Friday, March 8, 2013

Train trip to California


We went to Danville, California to visit Kathy Mae, Jerry's cousin, and her husband, Patrick.  We went to church with them on Sunday and watched the Academy Awards that evening.  We enjoyed our visit imensely, sitting by the pool, enjoying the sunshine and flowers, especially since this is the weather we left in Idaho.

Jerry and Kathy read old family letters that contain cutting remarks about other members of the family. 
Note to self:  Be careful what you put in writing.
How did we get to California?  We came by Amtrak on the California Zephyr from Salt Lake City.  The train was not full, so Jerry and I each had 2 seats across the aisle from each other.  It was quite comfortable.  The train left Salt Lake City at 11:30 p.m.  It traveled across Nevada at night and the next day,  there was no snow as we came into Reno.  I couldn't get over it.  No snow!!  That was so amazing!  Once we went through Reno, there was snow again.  We saw the most beautiful scenery going through the Sierras!  Here are some of the views:



The California Zephyr.  We were in the seventh car. 

Donner Lake
Deep, Pristine Snow

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